Prior to my election as County Attorney, there was an extensive backlog of serious victim involved cases dating back several years.
The office was in administrative chaos, over budget and undersupplied.
The neglect of administrative tasks led to complete disorganization and seriously undermined the effectiveness of the prosecution function. Cases were dismissed for lack of standard quality controls and organizational systems.
Since my election as County Attorney in 2020, I have overseen the transformation of the office into a well-staffed, well-equipped, stable and functioning office.
We developed relationships with partner agencies, fostered a cooperative effort with the court and law enforcement.
We have provided innovations such as Microsoft 365 for scheduling, paralegals to assist as active members of the trial teams, better salaries and pay for the attorneys and staff. Hiring, training, and development of high caliber attorneys and staff enabled our office to stabilize and reduce case backlogs. The Hillsborough County Attorney’s Office is once again rising to the premiere prosecution office in our state.
As a former United States Marine on active duty with the Marine Corps, a retired New Hampshire State Court Judge, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army National Guard and Reserves with 3 Tours in Iraq, I understand and appreciate the price of our Freedoms and the Rule of Law.
We will continue to seek Justice, protect the Rights of Victims, their Families and ensure Community Safety.
We cannot accomplish this alone; I need your help.
Let’s continue this mission together, Re-elect John J. Coughlin Hillsborough County Attorney.