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September 17, 2022

I have been a lifelong proud Democrat residing in Manchester New Hampshire I am writing to offer my support for John Coughlin for Hillsborough County Attorney.

While John is a Republican there are some positions where party politics should take a backseat and this is one of those offices.

Manchester has some significant challenges with crime and it will take the leadership and experience of John Coughlin to tackle them.

John has been a practicing attorney circuit court judge and county attorney as well as a Judge Advocate in the United States Marine Corps and served three tours and Iraq with US Army Reserve/National Guard, he is a law and order county attorney that focuses on the safety of our community above all else.

As a three-time Golden glove boxing champion I used to run on the streets of Manchester to get ready for a fight based on some of the reports of crime and violence I have read in our community I do not feel safe for our youth today on the streets as I did when I was a young boxer

To continue with the boxing theme John Coughlin will knock out crime given the chance to proudly serve Hillsborough County again as our County Attorney I encourage all my friends and fellow citizens to vote safety first and re-elect John Coughlin as county attorney

Bobby Stephen
Former State Senator District 18