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With 2 weeks until Election Day, the Coughlin For Hillsborough County Attorney team has been hard at work!

Recently, John has attended a number of events, sharing his campaign message and building relationships with members in the Hillsborough County community. Check out the recent stops below!

  • On Monday, October 12th, John and Pam did a sign wave in their hometown in Amherst with State Rep candidate Danielle Pray
  • On Tuesday evening, Oct 13th, John spoke with the New Boston Town GOP meeting.
  • On Wednesday, October 14th,  John spoke before the Hillsborough County Police Chiefs Association in the morning; in the afternoon, did a sign wave and meet and greet at The Homestead Store on Boston Post Road in Amherst and in the evening attended the Nashua GOP meeting.
  • On Friday, October 16th, Pam and John attended Steve Negron’s Fundraiser at his house in Nashua.
  • On Sunday, Oct 18th, John attended a meet and greet at the Country Chief in Wilton. This same day, John also did a sign wave in Nashua with Mike Soucy who is running for County Commissioner.

John says it has been great connecting with the community, and hearing their concerns and priorities for the County Attorney’s office. If you’d like John to appear at an event you are hosting, or if you would like to contribute to the campaign, please send us a message here.